Monday, March 2

as I grow

at the crack of dawn
I hear the bird's song above me 
the morning light gently appears
my skin turns darker than usual 
I look at the back of my hand memorizing
the words I said in the conversation 
I just had with a mirror facing towards
the box of sentimental things I hide under my bed 

my legs have garnered enough strength to 
walk a mile back and see the bigger picture 
I hope winter ends
and takes my fears as well 
kind of like how the navy blue sky 
folds back in the outer space and 
meets the brighter blue sky that envelopes 
the mornings each time your name comes around

leaving doesn't always mean changing 
so when I left I left with this in mind 
that if ever I come back I have grown and read
as many books as I could ever and loved so much 

two decades it took 
how different are your 6PM family dinners from
the ones that you took when you were eleven? 
I still don't know me and you 
and I still love dancing in the shadows of 
a mountain that with one word 
could move further and teach me lessons about
growing pains and amazing grace 

from now on
I will carry the word 'gather'
make it my active pursuit to collect myself 
no matter how hard a day could get and have my eyes
pull something out of wonder