when I was six
after wrestling hours
in preschool I look for a friend and
you'd always be there
you're not the sweet kind but you'd play
puppets with me on the terrace of our
puppets with me on the terrace of our
grandparents' house
you taught me how to cross
the road
I always thought that
you were some sort of a hero waiting
for its story to be untold
for its story to be untold
you'd stir up maddening emotions at times
you have traits I don't like
but I love it when you ride your bike
you go so fast and
sometimes even let me go with you
when I ask
when I ask
there's always a
deeply affecting and tragic feeling
when I think about you all grown up
I wish I can turn back time
to tell you just
how much I appreciate your strength
how much I appreciate your strength
that you'd bend rules so you could show me
how it's like to be on the
how it's like to be on the
top of the world
maybe halfway
or not even close
you are my original best friend
you've always been so brave
now that you are in pursuit of something
greater and possibly bigger in your life
please know that I support
you no matter what
happy 18th
happy 18th