Tuesday, March 10

i'm insane (sort of) (i guess)

Hi all!

I've been thinking a lot about my own headspace lately. I have been very unaware of the goings-on around me and have become much lazier! I feel an immense amount of guilt not doing anything for the past days. I am slightly anxious and a bit all over the place really. 

sigh sigh 

"it will pass, it will pass" I tell myself.  

It's important to encourage ourselves not to worry about what happened before or what's going on next because it's a journey to the present. Look now. Do now. Learn now. 

Rough times are rough. 
UGGGHHHH I wish I'm a fish instead

I was eating by myself not very long ago (about a week back). Seeing everyone minding their own businesses and talking and giggling made me think so deeply about my surroundings. How everything was there for a reason. All of us are looking for  the purpose of our lives. All of us no different from each one. The only thing that separates us... perception. I was getting that sense of quiet in the midst of my loud brain. I was getting a bit sweaty since I was eating hot soup causing me to regret it more and more. 

There is approximately 7.3 billion people on earth. Can you imagine that? It's a little nuts isn't it??
(think about that) (no, really think about it) 

Much like how I picture myself inside. NUTS. Every piece of me was drawn to think of how I live, think and look. 

I'm pretty good at personhood. jk 

My belly was all warm inside. I stood up got some water and was dragged back again thinking about relevance and ways to get out of my bubble. I sat there waiting waiting. More waiting. But nothing. I have found nothing. No scraps of idea. No nothing. 

And now, I'm here, Writing this blog. Keeping myself close to my thoughts as if I'd finally find answers to my questions. Floating across the room. Picking brains and eating nuts. How ironic. 

I hope you lil sweetness find your purpose. I might be overthinking. I'm losing my brain cells. Anyway, Have a great day ahead. Tomorrow will be another battle with ambiguous thoughts. Shine bright ! 

(not mine! credits to the owner of the photo)