Tuesday, March 31

1. practising totality

hi beautiful people !

I want to talk about "totality". I consider my life as a privilege; everyday is a new opportunity to be a better person- live in the moment, live like there is no more left.

4 months ago, I was given a chance to join a musical play. I didn't know how much effort it would take to learn new songs and confusing choreography. I realised how difficult and time-consuming it was after a few practices- my mindset changed. The way I viewed the whole day rehearsals collective changed. I got tired in so many different extents.

Practices are pretty much done whole day.

I was delighted but my fascination throughout the day isn't as prevalent as the first few hours- it's how I do things. I do it with a happy face but then after a while I get worn. It made me realise that I have to practise discipline- sit down, inhale-exhale, think about it and finish the task.

It was at the last few rehearsals when I was bursting it off- going at it fullspeed. It's nice to remind ourselves that walking ,sometimes, in a sense, won't get us anywhere. If you have the chance to, give your best shot!

3 days back, my school was able to present the play successfully.

me at the dressing area

If you have my problem, it is best dealt by looking at the bigger picture and not on the little details- it's not simple, I know. But push yourself. Learn to acknowledge not only the things that make you want to back out but also on the things between the lines.


take in take out

simple as that

take out

the unhappy 

the distractions 

take in

the fresh new 


take in take out

Tuesday, March 10

i'm insane (sort of) (i guess)

Hi all!

I've been thinking a lot about my own headspace lately. I have been very unaware of the goings-on around me and have become much lazier! I feel an immense amount of guilt not doing anything for the past days. I am slightly anxious and a bit all over the place really. 

sigh sigh 

"it will pass, it will pass" I tell myself.  

It's important to encourage ourselves not to worry about what happened before or what's going on next because it's a journey to the present. Look now. Do now. Learn now. 

Rough times are rough. 
UGGGHHHH I wish I'm a fish instead

I was eating by myself not very long ago (about a week back). Seeing everyone minding their own businesses and talking and giggling made me think so deeply about my surroundings. How everything was there for a reason. All of us are looking for  the purpose of our lives. All of us no different from each one. The only thing that separates us... perception. I was getting that sense of quiet in the midst of my loud brain. I was getting a bit sweaty since I was eating hot soup causing me to regret it more and more. 

There is approximately 7.3 billion people on earth. Can you imagine that? It's a little nuts isn't it??
(think about that) (no, really think about it) 

Much like how I picture myself inside. NUTS. Every piece of me was drawn to think of how I live, think and look. 

I'm pretty good at personhood. jk 

My belly was all warm inside. I stood up got some water and was dragged back again thinking about relevance and ways to get out of my bubble. I sat there waiting waiting. More waiting. But nothing. I have found nothing. No scraps of idea. No nothing. 

And now, I'm here, Writing this blog. Keeping myself close to my thoughts as if I'd finally find answers to my questions. Floating across the room. Picking brains and eating nuts. How ironic. 

I hope you lil sweetness find your purpose. I might be overthinking. I'm losing my brain cells. Anyway, Have a great day ahead. Tomorrow will be another battle with ambiguous thoughts. Shine bright ! 

(not mine! credits to the owner of the photo)

Sunday, March 8

happy organic hippie

"keep a goal and never stop". Since the start of this year, I've been really into self-discovery. I told myself to be more aware of the things happening around me as well as the things going on in me. I've said before that I change quite a lot of times. Be it the way I speak, the way I dress and most especially the way I think.

//Most of us seek for fresh starts and clean slates. And I'm no different. I just want clear skies and happy days.

breathe in 

breathe deep

no need to be in doubt

no need for those frowns

unimaginably clear

unfathomably content

moments so precious

smile like never before

breathe in

breathe deep

[FEEL GOOD; feb 17 2k15 tuesday 19:26pm]

3 minutes ago, I lost all of my files and I feel terrible because I saved so much documents in there and I can cry now :( I'm so sad. BUT I can't do no nothing about it. Please remind yourselves that you can always make, create, write, save and do something new. Sigh. AT LEAST I AM STILL ALIVE... even if a huge part of me decided to leave. Oh whale. 

Here are some things to be happy about instead 

"I feel so anxious and worn. I'm emotionally confused" "I'm here for you" SOMEONE CARES

Cute fishes you wish were humans 

so much places to explore, so much pugs wearing lil outfits 
so much cats.... lounging 

Your backbone!! never gives up on youuu ♥ 

no matter how many times you have given up today, there will always be ice cream 
and songs that can change your mood in an instant (e.g. the middle by we the kings) 

---- Be happy you guys. Love you a lot :) You can do it