The first months got me pretty sick. I felt underappreciated and uninteresting. The mid parts did the same and I pretty much shared a lot about my anxiety problems and dysfunctional mindset, but really, I was a sad person. I tell you, most of the times I really just wanted fresh air but couldn't even breathe any. I started to realise a lot of things like my polluted headspace and the way I live my life. I soon dismantled, gradually, from all the unwanted emotions and tried, as much as possible, to grip unto something. That something was a realible constant, a friend and an enchanted Buddy. None other than, Christ.
For me, in my head, I don't know what my life is about. I don't know and I will never know what's coming next. Around the month of October, I saw how majestic and sovereign the Lord is. The adventure with Him is the best ever. I know that even if I have the potential to go wrong, He'll never leave me. And that's true love.

2015. let's all keep the energy :) Happy new year, lil daisies with eyes.
treasure the moment, it passes by rapidly.
new starts are always good.
consistency is somethings to
practice. feel the universe guiding you.
notice every signs.
you are here for a purpose and not
by coincedence