Saturday, January 3

we are a Community

hi guys !! this is one of those "update" blogs I do rarely. And it's nice to just talk to you about random things happening at the moment. first of all, I want to apologise for the long absence (hehe). but I'm back in the route, i tell you !. I was a bit kerbobbled last year with all the schoolwork and sometimes, I really can't think of anything to talk about and blogging became a chore to me. and let's be real, chores are such a pain in the back. But anyway, I came here without any plans at all. I just really wanted to Talk.

[few of the things I'm doing]

-I recently added this "chat" thing in this blog so we're able to talk as one. you can also share some stuff there ! photos, cliparts and Stories. I want to say though, be careful on what you share on the internet. please, avoid sending irrelevant things. I want it to be beneficial and profitable for everyone to enjoy :)

this is us, plant-o friends
- I have been active again on tumblr. I took a break from it, dunno why, but I made some changes over there. you can check it out, <3

-I started drinking these chewable vitamins, which I completely hate. it tastes like grass. it's probably just me but yes, vitamins are good, drink em up.

-SO, school wise. well, still hard to frazzle with. all the notes and hard topics. oh man. this year though, I am starting to study World History. I think it's necessary. I really love all the Wars, revolutions, agriculture and just the people from our history.

-I was able to eat cookie cereals. I love them. makes me drool.

-tell me what you guys think of the whole blog right now. I hope you guys like it :) I finally, wrote something in the "about" page !! sweet stuff yeay.

-see you latter ! :D

Friday, January 2

a hidden agony

contributing sincerity towards a person is one of the most unparalleled kindness ever. while I was scrolling through my twitter feed I saw this one that said "here's a cool prank: be kind to people". it impacted me, weirdly, in a good way, and I checked myself with a question "are you kind?". I couldn't answer. because as much as I want to call myself compassionate towards others, I really don't see me being so which, is terrible and wrong, I know. I stopped, naturally, because I wanted to be. I'd trade my intestines to be humane. the rest of that day was a blur but I remember the atmosphere being compelling. I knew that kindness is something I have to apply in my life to be genuine and sincere. I was woolgathering. I didn't like the thought of me being the complete opposite of kind. I wasn't like the person who does random acts of kindness out of choice. I was the one who completely ignores the importance of it. 


now, a new year has begun, I realised that I should probably start showing kindness by simply giving a pleasant countenance. 

A smile. 

A helping hand. 

because, honestly, not doing so is a bad setup. in my opinion, kindness would outlast any source of wrong. it would be a tough nut to kill. 

have you ever thought about those who start making Stories about their interests and experiences and them be, saying "sorry" everytime? with much wonder, I see the pain because certainly, they feel so Little that sharing their desires would cause boredom and immense disturbance to those who're listening. might be because when they tried sharing before and got cut off by "nobody Cares". how tragic is that? frankly, I think those are the kinds of people who need the tender hearted. show them kindness so for Once, they'd feel a worth in the world. a light that would turn the shadows of darkness in them to noonlight. 

start today :) make a change :) 

Thursday, January 1

2015. the year

!!! 2014 flew by so quickly. And to be completely honest, I felt the most of it in the last few months. I became the most serene and my mind was at the clearest. I was taken aback and looked through all the things I have done. the year 2014 was delightful despite all of my hardships and tears. Above all of those were, happiness, contentment and freedom. I call it the year of self-discovery. It isn't the place of anybody else to understand us completely by ours.

The first months got me pretty sick. I felt underappreciated and uninteresting. The mid parts did the same and I pretty much shared a lot about my anxiety problems and dysfunctional mindset, but really, I was a sad person. I tell you, most of the times I really just wanted fresh air but couldn't even breathe any. I started to realise a lot of things like my polluted headspace and the way I live my life. I soon dismantled, gradually, from all the unwanted emotions and tried, as much as possible, to grip unto something. That something was a realible constant, a friend and an enchanted Buddy. None other than, Christ.

For me, in my head, I don't know what my life is about. I don't know and I will never know what's coming next. Around the month of October, I saw how majestic and sovereign the Lord is. The adventure with Him is the best ever. I know that even if I have the potential to go wrong, He'll never leave me. And that's true love.

So, eventually, every good thing has to end and in this case, 2014.

2015. let's all keep the energy :) Happy new year, lil daisies with eyes.

treasure the moment, it passes by rapidly.

new starts are always good.

consistency is somethings to

practice. feel the universe guiding you.

 notice every signs.

you are here for a purpose and not

by coincedence