Tuesday, August 19


Hello readers! SPOILER:  Life is full of inevitable misfortunes and sadness. Being depressed isn't the best feeling in world.

I'm sure most of us have experienced being super down. But those things are expected. I don't know anything about your life but I know for sure that sometimes, we tend to be "just tired" of everything we encounter. There are times I fail to handle my situation and breakdown to tears. It takes so much effort to push myself to walk forward. I'm not much of a 'happy' person. But I try to be positive. I like to feel light about things and just free. To be happy doesn't require anything than a smile, just one positive thought can turn your day around!

*the source

There is a large amount of reasons why you should be happy. Here are ten things I thought about:

one; still (or barely) breathing but still alive :)
two; the sky, it will not let you down (look up!) '
three; the rest of nature---trees, oceans, everything is there for you
four; FOOD
five; beautiful sound waves (songs)
six; mornings, the feeling of waking up to start again
seven; little things, cold side of the pillow, cold shower on a hot day, fresh flowers
eight; oh oh, roadtrips :)
nine; writing down your thoughts on a journal
ten; long walks and talk with God ♥

Whenever I feel that everything is falling apart, I find it helpful to call unto God. He is always present in our lives. But because we're so blinded by sadness, and worldly temporal things we fail to see Him. His love is unending and He will never let you go, no matter the times you run away, you can always count on Him. He'll be there :)

Be happy, okay? Promise? :)