Thursday, June 5

goals for the summer

hipster lighting, yaass!
so if you live in the Philippines you'll know that Summer starts in March and ends in May. well it's June and i'm still studying. such a beautiful experience right here. because i'm homeschooled and i'm pro at procrastination i wasn't able to finish early. but hey surprise! today, i felt like sharing  my Summer goals. I do have like two week break from school (not sure if i'll make it). i don't want it to just waste away so i thought of three amazing and magical things i want to accomplish. 

first i want to make this summer (ish) fun and full of adventures! as a reckless blogger teen, i can say that i spend majority of my time, each day, indoors. and because i kinda like changes (notice the word "kinda") i told myself to go outside and meet the sun and be besties? yeah. 

second to be a summer deity! wow so cool, not gonna happen (mehehe). the real goal though is to still study and not forget about the things i did for the past year. "julia, what?" you might ask. well, not really study all day but still educate myself but not the "academics" part. more on things i want like drawing and html because i suck at those. 

third and last is to blog more! woohoo! for the longest time, i wanted to do this and now (not now but next next week) i can do it. i'm so ready to slay the blogplanet and murder my keyboard out of typing (woo! imagine that.). 

that's it. i hope you guys are having a lovely summer and i will see you again soon. 

"enjoy things 
and eat froyo,"- me