Saturday, June 14

Aaaaaand I'm Back, Sort Of

guys! i’m so back on the writing mode and i feel really happy about that!
i’m so pumped for next week because as i’ve mentioned before on my ‘summer goals’ blogpost, i will be blogging more often especially because i am almost finish with school. we were suppose to pass our portfolio this week but we forgot that out consultant, is only available every thursday and that’s today but it’s a holiday (independence day) here. so my studying was rather extended until next week. yeah. very unfortunate but it was quite a relief for me as well knowing that we actually haven’t done anything! 

i apologize to you guys because i don’t think i’d be able to blog anytime soon (i’m actually sneaking right now, shhhh). nevertheless, i still want to write something and somehow fulfil my promise? is it working? huh? 

life’s going great for me, to be honest. i’m extra excited for next school year since i’ve learned lots of things from this year not only academics but about my character. i know now the things i'm very willing to change, social media addiction, included. i'm working on lots of great blogs but really have short time to write about it. i will be posting a new scheduale for my blog soon. hopefully, before the start of next week. i will not be able to visit my blog for only this time. i'm still working on my portfolio that i need to pass on thursday. so please pray for me. wish me luck too!

thank you for the very kind understanding. i will miss you guys (computer friends). here a very huge cyber hug! i love you and i hope to see you soon. 

"you are
blessed to bless 

Thursday, June 5

goals for the summer

hipster lighting, yaass!
so if you live in the Philippines you'll know that Summer starts in March and ends in May. well it's June and i'm still studying. such a beautiful experience right here. because i'm homeschooled and i'm pro at procrastination i wasn't able to finish early. but hey surprise! today, i felt like sharing  my Summer goals. I do have like two week break from school (not sure if i'll make it). i don't want it to just waste away so i thought of three amazing and magical things i want to accomplish. 

first i want to make this summer (ish) fun and full of adventures! as a reckless blogger teen, i can say that i spend majority of my time, each day, indoors. and because i kinda like changes (notice the word "kinda") i told myself to go outside and meet the sun and be besties? yeah. 

second to be a summer deity! wow so cool, not gonna happen (mehehe). the real goal though is to still study and not forget about the things i did for the past year. "julia, what?" you might ask. well, not really study all day but still educate myself but not the "academics" part. more on things i want like drawing and html because i suck at those. 

third and last is to blog more! woohoo! for the longest time, i wanted to do this and now (not now but next next week) i can do it. i'm so ready to slay the blogplanet and murder my keyboard out of typing (woo! imagine that.). 

that's it. i hope you guys are having a lovely summer and i will see you again soon. 

"enjoy things 
and eat froyo,"- me

Tuesday, June 3

Pathetic Fallacy

Majority of us believe that we all have limits which is true; however, some people think it's funny to say or do things that are not even worth it but they do it anyway because they think it's cool. My main idea here is that, yes, we are capable of doing whatever we want but make sure you know when you crossed the line already. There are an average amount of people who are not completely aware when it's too much. "Oh let's trip this girl and then laugh out loud and share it to the world.". I mean, seriously, that's just way too far. Know that. Getting yourself into something you believe in that you know that's wrong and offensive, get away from it. It'll do you no good. So do yourself a favor. 
"Be a bad person so you won't think of other's happiness before yours," This flabbergasts me. It's terrible knowing that this is what we get from our planet today. Full of negativity and I can't take that. Bros, come on. Let's not go there and risks our lives because it's what the a large portion of the world does. Do what you want but know your borders. 
 I'm a person too and I make mistakes but we have to keep in mind the things we are about to do. Think about it first before actually doing it. I know this might not be done overnight but just take time to let that sink it and do apply it. It will change your whole perception and view of point. 

Nonetheless, I shall go now. I have a spaceship to catch. See you next time, pals. 

 Tuesday 06/03/14
 \\ 15:31pm
"Close your eyes and
pretend it's all a bad dream,"

Monday, June 2

Throwing A Hello To You

Today was rebooted by me having nap just because I felt like it.
If you haven't noticed yes, I'm not done yet with school. 
I AM ALMOST and the feeling is beautiful. 
Although, I'll be back for school on July which is not that bad. 
To be completely honest, I'm just writing and just giving my brain a little
swing to somehow express whatever I feel inside. 
So I apologize if this is a bit jumble around.

My last blog post was legit nonsense, can we just. 
And I want to really blog a lot but I just couldn't.
I know I have promised a bunch of times, most probably
you guys are sick of it, that I'll post more but there's is so much 
happening and I'm overwhelmed. 

Anyhow, I want to visit and just glance and say
that this blog is a blessing for me. All of you who gives time to read it.
I'm very happy.  Seeing you guys appreciating whatever I do for
just couple of minutes, is beyond awesome. 
Thank you. 

Good day! 
See you guys, soon. 
"Have a walk under the stars,"