Sunday, July 3

it's k

   Hi there, long time no see - I feel like I'm starting all of my posts that way, I'm sorry. This is going to be a post mainly just an upkeep for me to literally just dump whatever is in my head. Told you guys before that I will be doing this a lot, I hope you don't mind. Ha. 

   Okay, starting off, I just want to address and take in to account that I think I'm like bearing a soul of 78 year old lady from the down the street because I have been taking naps quite often but then again it is my favorite thing to do at the moment and I'm not sure when it will be not. Ooops. Anyway, with that in mind, I am coming of from a brain that has been well rested but equally half awake. 
   If you haven't noticed it yet, I've been posting a lot of my poems and I will continue doing so. Lately, that's all I've been doing. Writing poems and writing poems. Every night. I haven't posted in while because (I actually have a reason) I am faster on my pen and paper and I get lazy to type it all up on the computer. Sounds like a petty reason but it's all you get because it's the truth, babe. 
  I drew a lot during the times I was gone over here. 
Okay, here's a story. 
Basically, my mother put up this magnet board on the wall of my room and it was super blank for weeks! I didn't exactly liked it at first because again, it was just too empty but my feelings sorta overturned or something like that. I stick my art on there and I am actually beginning to like it. After all this time, I've finally grew to understand it's purpose for existence. 
   Here's another story - this one is rather daunting.
I want to talk a bit about school. Believe it or not, I value my studies a lot. But I've came to the realization, with the crushing weight of reality, that in order to say that you "value" something, well, it has to show. Valuing something comes along with immersing amount of effort. I must admit, I do not do that with my education. And it sucks because though I want to value it, I would also have to take into importance that I must persevere and constantly find motivation in doing my schoolwork. For those, who aren't aware, I am homeschooled. I am in grade 9, hopefully turning grade 10 by December of this year. I've asked a few of my churchmates for prayers which is great. So, as a result, I get super convicted whenever I use my time on some other stuff which is very dangerous especially when you start your day slacking off here and there. It's much harder to take a dive into studying.
    Third story is about anime. AHHHHHHHH. That is all - just kidding. I started coming back at it a few days ago. I'm trying to get through Angel Beats. My brother recommended it to me but there so many animes I want to watch but even before I started getting into it I told myself not to watch two at the same time. I sorta disciplined myself not to do so because I'm that type of person who gets confused over literally everything. If you're starting to watch anime, I gladly recommend Clannad. Tomoya's the best. Watch it and weep.
      Fourth and last story is about my sleeping patterns. And let me tell you that it's not doing good. Over the years, I think I've developed severe insomnia that triggers every now and then. It keeps me from getting my sleep even if I very much wanted to. There isn't really a positive connotation about it, AT ALL because it causes me to miss waking up early and fun fact, I am a morning person. Latterly, my body clock has been super messed up. Like it's actually a strange thing  if I know what time it is when I get up. And another thing, is that I tend to oversleep. My body is used to 12 hours worth of sleep. And I bet you know that that isn't healthy.

    I would like to share more about the happenings in my life but I'm pretty sleepy which explains the last bit of my last story. Hahahahhh. See you, homies. Have a good day!