Tuesday, February 16

In Harmony with Myself

Hello Friends.

Right now, I want to release some thoughts about beauty. After a flourishing epiphany about myself, I hope you enjoy my musings.

Beauty is everywhere. Although, growing up I didn’t really put emphasis on “girlying” myself. I was surrounded by guys in my family & my personality is nearly the same as theirs. I only really cared about how I look in like 7th grade to be completely honest. My mom was always the one who fix my clothes for me when I was a young girl. But the thing is that I didn’t base my worth on how I look but I hung out with people who did and these certain people led my insecurities to grow. I held my value over being insightful rather than setting my standards on being a popular act in school because that’s just how I rolled and how I was taught. In terms of my insecurities it smashed my principles to dust & I forgot what beauty really was. I wasn’t really bullied but I was emotionally dry in a sense that I actually thought about prioritizing being beautiful over things that make one “beautiful”. So in a nutshell, I was squished in between two views. I always just kind of felt like I was an ugly person and I just had troubles with my appearance constantly. Overall, I didn’t know what or where or how I’m supposed to act because my mind was just utterly disheveled. I brooded over my girlfriends which also kind of had the same situation that I was stuck in. But nevertheless I still hung out with them even if I didn’t always feel “at home”. On that note, my self-doubt grew. I would lie if I say I didn’t want to be admired or prominent. I mean that’s a good goal but I wanted to be looked at because of how I looked not because of my noteworthy behavior that I can possibly exhibit. It was a dense mindset that instigated lots of objections but I took it anyways.

I was generally very unhappy in that state.

 I began to read articles about life and particular people who venture paths that they genuinely enjoy. My faculties were delighted to a level that it made me think about what I would want to accomplish in life. Likewise, I took leaps from taking out handful of negative thoughts that I used to indulge in distinctively those that trigger my insecurities a whole lot. And that moment, I just instantly felt more of myself because I didn’t have to wrestle with all of these layers that hid my true self in a place so far off and deep. It was strange but it was like the first I felt beauty in a raw and crude way. And it was a very good feeling.

My insecurities still come crashing down on me but I know how to handle it properly now. Before I used to feel terrible and cover it up with random makeshift thoughts but only for the time being so it always ends up really badly & I just try to shove it out. But now, I learn to embrace it. One of my goals is to get in touch with my insecurities which may sound odd but the thing is that I must understand it in order for me to respond in the right way so when it comes I wouldn’t feel as scared.

I’m not a rare case. I now a lot of people who went or are going through the same thing as I did. And if there is something I could impart is that never let anything hinder you from believing that you are beautiful.

Appearance is the least of beauty. Pursue other things. Things that’ll encourage you to become a strong individual. Do not base yourself on girls in magazines or on what people think is beautiful. Beauty is to be discovered. Go find it.

Tuesday, February 2


So I chewed a few minty gums & it felt super fresh as I breathed in air (I often like that feeling).  One fact about me is that I like thinking and bursting bubbles (pun intended). So I concluded with an amalgamation of words & creative stuff!

Just kidding! My brain is literally FFFRIED at the moment!
I can't even remember the last time I was energetic guys. I sleep with my eyes open daily now...yikes.
However, I did make a lot of progress with my studies, thus far & I've been constantly writing ideas on my handy orange notebook. I appreciate the standing ovation thank you very much heh.
So instead of squeezing my brain even more, I'll just take few things out of my mind to enable it to make space for new shred of classic thoughts (I think this will be a regular thing now in my blog. I enjoy writing this kind of sort of comprised collection about the most random things)....

I've been searching about neglected dogs and other animals on shelter and it's heart-wrenching, people. I also have no clue whether or not there is a reason why I've been really enjoying writing on paper. I'm most certainly much faster on computers before, inspiration would just blaze on forth! But now, I am quicker on whatever surface I can write on which is a good thing for me. I'm tremendously impressed! I find solace on photographing small sized things & filming clips. I watched so much videos of filmmakers that are ETERRNALLY inspiring!

This is it for now. Not much, just a lil' update for y'all!

Have the best ddddaaaayyyy!