Wednesday, January 6

hitting home,

hey hey hello, me again.

after a while, it has come to my senses, that maybe it is the time to write what has been going on down and publish yet another post in this magical place wherein, I stuff my uninhibited thoughts (I have been terrible at it, I sincerely apologize).

joy- at least for my soul & I.

the conclusion or I much prefer to be called "new end" of yet another year has passed & I cannot express in words how exceedingly gratifying it is to get to the finish line of 2015. I have come across a lot of lessons and realizations that truly spoke spectacularly in me. the duration of the past year felt as if it was only a small collection of minutes. time is really flying fast these days!

I went through exhausting internal battles that honestly, we can all resonate unto. I've had bad days that balance out amazing good days wherein I was at my freest self at the pinnacle of my turned and tumbled mountains. 

A lot happened in 2015 guys. Most of those happened in my wired inner self; I realized that I was hypersensitive about heaps of things like the way I respond badly to my daily schedule not being followed, doing house chores, writing and the like. 
In terms of relationships, I grew closer to my family and I like to keep on being open to them because I was used to always be a closed door. I handled twelve six year olds during sports camp everyday for two weeks! I learned to understand handball & how it was to be a child again. 
I made lots of art which I hardly ever do. I thought of different reasons to get out of bed. I watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 3D! (Kylo Ren, I want you to know that I cried over you). I was really active in my ministry in church & I can't ask for any other set of friends. 

2016 went blazing right ahead & the usual circle of emotions that I get every start of the year came crashing on me. on account of my carried memories from the previous beginning of the year, my constant mantra was to keep my head up high but that slowly got old in my days it was a bit of a fallen farmhouse towards the next months; it died on me. besides, I never really appropriated much on the purpose of that said mantra of mine that repeating it to myself didn't even powerfully reached my inner self. it served as a good reminder but it didn't drive me the way I thought it would.

so in a nutshell,  life is crazy. I got so many memories, at the moment, that I am carrying in me from 2015. THANK YOU FOR THE MEMORIES. 

I feel greatgreatgreat!

January, January, oh sweet January. I absolutely adore the freshness of it, I can tell you that much. it is like taking a swim under a beautiful weather! delightful!
I am very excited to pursue more things this year, write more, laugh more more more. 

I still believe in mantras though my last one didn't work. so my mantra this year is to think of everyday as a magnificent one, no matter what is going on; never get tired of what is essential and reasons to live- a perfect wave or small changes. Whatever it is. Keep the best moments close to me! 
