Tuesday, September 27

I am talkative when I write

hello, friends!

I am back from (the future) the cRAZY phase once again. I want to apologize quickly for my lack of presence over here. This is probably the 100th time I said that—I feel so ashamed!

Setting that aside, I've been really busy. AS IN the actual busy with school and all that. Whatever that means. Hahmkidding. I love learning. But lately, I've been slacking with schoolwork so So so I have to catch up. Like literally run towards my goal. For those who are unaware, which I take are all of you, I am in grade 9 (that pretty much just means I am a year late). We enrolled just this month and I have to finish ASAP. I want to be done by december but part of me says that's a little too soon that it would mean rushing. I don't like rushing school. If anything it's really the worst thing. But as my mom says, I got to submit my portfolio for my first-second (or maybe third) quarter on november. Also, I have to mention, I've been in grade 9 since may (we just didn't get to enroll). So on the here and now, I've been causing myself to accomplish much in each day that passes because I bet that's what I require myself to. Plus, I feel brighter knowing that I've accomplished something daily. As opposed to not getting anything done which is just hands down disappointing.

In terms of my writing, I actually never stopped. I am compiling poems and compulsively putting down my feelings on paper. I haven't been here around because I am having a hard time finding time to type in what I wrote or I'm just really lazy at times. I'm actually still contemplating whether I'd put up one of my poems here because I'm saving them for something. But I'll try to come up with something else to keep this blog alive. I'm running out of things to say since most of the more obvious happenings I write on my journal and others that have linear storyline I write as poems. Like guys, I haven't tweeted anything particularly clever or deep in a while because I feel like they've all been written already. And I hate repeating myself. You know my dream is to be a good communicator. But if repeating myself is the best way for people to get the point or in my case to get myself to really chew on what I just said then why not. But I really don't like being repetitive. It does show consistency though but my goodness, I can't even explain what I mean these days. But I think you kind of get it (I hope!). I will be keeping this blog updated, I don't want yoy guys thinking that writing is such a tenuous thing for me to do because I'd gladly do it anytime.

So on the precipice of my ever wandering mind, everything has been going neutral. I want to be back on the hype, to be honest. My days have been rapid and boring. So excuse me if I prattle so much so. Call me loquacious. Sharing is one of my things now. I really just want to get things going.

At the moment, as I've said, school stress is WAY above the surface. It's tuesday and I studied biology. I am in kingdom fungi. Much less diverse than the previous one which is the kingdom Protista. That kingdom gave me multiple headaches. Headaches over headaches. So imagine the fun. I'm grateful though because when I start thinking about chemistry it somehow eases the level of the pain since it is much much MUCH harder for me. I am learning the secret of being content day by day. One thing I feel pretty left behind with is that I don't have a microscope which is pretty essential in biology. But I'm pushing through without it. Fighting spirit is always needed in everyone's journey with academics! On the overwhelmingly brighter side, it's wednesday tomorrow. MY FAVORITE DAY. I can't really tell why I like wednesdays. I just feel like I'm balancing since it is sort of the "middle" day of the week. And I can't feel anymore prouder of myself when I see my wednesday of the week approaching. It's just a piece of mountain air.

In a few minutes it'll be 12am!

So in order for the rest of the things I wrote here, that has to do with time, to remain accurate I guess I would have to leave now. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I will be back soon. Goodnight!