Saturday, August 22

7 hours in my room, comprising all things I've learned This school year in a bulging notebook,

The time is coming (dun dun duuunnnn), I have got to compile all my "learnings" and prepare a portfolio to present. My main theme, Shifting Paradigms and Individuality.  Please wish me luck. I am doing this alone. Like a responsible adult doing groceries or like a fisher because marine life is very abundant and relatively unlikely to eat him.

Okay making no sense,

My emotional capacity is exploding, at the moment. Presenting a portfolio isn't supposed to be nerve wracking right? Besides, the portfolio is MINE; Julia the PSYCHOPATH,

I remember this girl from school, she boldly presented a very strong portfolio. She said that you know you're doing it wrong when you're not completely happy about your work. Huge impact right there.


Energy boost, please come along,

this feeling is like a long car ride

you don't know whether to put the windows

up or down

turn the radio volume up or down

waiting for a go signal when traffic jam has made
its decision to belong

the stretch you satisfyingly adore when the car stops
for gas and there's a convenient store making a thought cross your
mind to buy at least a bar of chocolate or two

the rain starts to pour and  your face becomes a part
of the gloomy weather,

you ask yourself
"why did i choose to take this path?"

but you still went on,
never stopped for you know that maybe something
out there is for you to reach

something out there can be yours as well

this life is one heck of a ride,
 sometimes we do not understand where it
takes us; most of the time, somewhere dark and

there's a saying that goes "there is always a light at the
end of the tunnel"

truly there is.

"but where"

that's yours to deal. find it.
getting lost is alright. it prolongs the ride but it makes
your life the way it is right now, marvelously messy.

