Monday, September 14

mountains (2)

I think of mountains as free spaces that I can glean on vicariously. Away from all the heaviness I might be hiding in me or from my negative thoughts piled up like swept leaves from the park that I brush off my shoulders quite likely every time.

Mountains, like any other thing, have a bad side and can be defined in many ways. They can be a spot to relax but also really complex. I'm facing a giant mountain at the moment. And I want to express myself so terribly but I seem to be used to keeping my frustrations under a rug and pushing them to the furthest place I can imagine. But this feeling comes back over and over again. And it's seems to be really inconvenient. When I feel like "yes finally I have reached the summit", what comes next is yet another mountain that I would have to climb once again.

Life is full of disappointments and a variety of unexplained realities that sometimes are unimaginable. . But my way to get by is to vividly remember how it's like to get to the peak- the gladness of overcoming something beyond me. These mountains are not much of trials as they are processes that many of us think wrongly of. Without them we would stagnate; We won't improve our well being.

Neither of us know what is up there unless we make a move on and convince ourselves to push when it's the hardest to do so.


Keanna, my marvelous friend, and myself are starting a publication called The Unknown Mountain Journey. I've always wanted a partner when it comes with trying to comprehend world issues and the complexity of human beings. The reason why we think it's such an amazing idea is because we just love exchanging opinions and questions. It would be like a place of fortitude for those who are looking for it.

More update on this soon!



-doing a lot of studying
-must say that my mind is clearer than a month ago
-trying to get out of my comfort zone
-listening to hold on by wilson phillips
-really loving mornings!
-practicing ukulele
-borrowing clothes from my brothers